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Union #16

Union #16

常规价格 ¥135.00 CNY
常规价格 促销价 ¥135.00 CNY
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 Union #16

Contributing Photographers
Charlotte Lapalus, Eddie Wrey, Jack Davison, Julia Hetta, Lina Scheynius, Mark Steinmetz, Maude Arsenault, Olivier Kervern, Tom Johnson, Vivian Maier.

Price: ¥2,700
Specifications: Clothbound hardcover, 160 pages.
Size: 230mm x 297mm x 23mm
Language: English



Union Magazine新刊にあたるNo.16は、私たちが以前から敬慕するフォトグラファーの珠玉のパーソナルワークのみというスペシャルな内容でお届けします。今号のために撮り下ろしされた新作や未発表だった貴重な作品を独自に構成し新たな作品に仕上げました。



ISBN: 978-4-9909193-6-8
仕様: クロス張りハードカーバー、全160ページ。
サイズ: 230mm x 297mm x 23mm
言語: 英語

VACANCES - Olivier Kervern
A woman resting comfortably in the shade of a tree, a boy staring into the distance from the beach. The sound of rippling waves coming from somewhere far away and the sweet smell of leaves on the trees with a hint of fresh flowers. It is a beautiful and poetic piece of work interspersed with memories of a summer vacation that somehow evokes our distant memories with its beautiful contrasting shadows.


THOSE WERE THE DAYS - Maude Arsenault
This is a contribution to the book Entangled by Maude Arsenault, a Canadian photographer, artist and curator. She has been very active in the field of fashion, and this is her next goal and the perspective she felt. The contrast of monochrome that plays a beautiful rhythm deeply shakes our hearts and never stops..
カナダの写真家、アーティスト、キュレーターでもあるMaude Arsenaultによる写真集 Entangled をメイン携え、寄稿をしていただいた作品になります。ファッションの分野でも大活躍した彼女が次に目指したもの、感じていた視点。美しいリズムを奏でるモノクロームのコントラストは私たちの心を深く揺さぶって鳴り止まない。


PORTRAITS - Tom Johnson
Tom Johnson, a photographer based in London, contributed this unique and beautifully colored work. He, too, has a blurred line between his personal work and the expressions he shows in his fashion shoots, and they resonate well with each other. These works show a glimpse of his breadth as a photographer and draw you in with his outstanding aesthetic sense. The shutter is pressed at the perfect moment to capture a fleeting expression, and the soft, deep colors captured on film fascinate the viewer.

このユニークで美しい色彩の作品を寄稿してくれたのは、ロンドンを拠点に活躍するフォトグラファーのトム ジョンソン。彼もまたファッション撮影の際に見せてくれる表情と、パーソナルワークとの境界線が曖昧でそれらはうまく共鳴している。これらの作品は彼のフォトグラファーとしての幅広さ垣間見え、その卓越した審美眼に引き込まれていく。一瞬の表情を逃さない完璧なタイミングで押されたシャッターは、フィルムで撮影された柔らかく深い色彩感覚は見るものを魅了する。

BERLIN PARIS AND…  - Mark Steinmetz
American photographer Mark Steinmetz, who has collaborated with us on fashion shoots and personal work in the past, has contributed a selection of his work shot on the streets of Berlin and during his long trips over the past quarter century to Paris, the hometown of the author's mother. His work is a mix of work shot on the streets of Berlin and during an extended trip to Paris, the hometown of the author's mother, which he has visited for a quarter of a century, as well as previously unpublished work shot after the pandemic. His work is as gentle and flat as his own personality, yet has the uncanny ability to bring out the madness, aggression, tenderness and fragility of his subjects at the same time through the lens.
  これまでもファッション撮影や、パーソナルワークにてコラボレーションさせていただいているアメリカ人フォトグラファーのMark Steinmetzが寄稿してくれたのは、ベルリンのストリートで撮影された作品、そして四半世紀にわたって訪れた作者の母親の故郷であるパリへの長期旅行の中で撮影されたものに加えて、未発表となるパンデミック後に撮影されたものもミックスしました。彼の作品は彼自身の性格のように優しくフラットでいながら、レンズを通すことによって被写体の狂気や攻撃性、優しさやもろさを同時に引き出す不思議な力を持っている。


RADIO TOWER - Jack Davison
His works, which depict the everyday in a very ordinary way and emphasize light and dark, are as sensual as a painting, and we are immediately drawn into their world. On the one hand, there are vivid details in the shadows, and on the other hand, there are cinematic sequences that shimmer like radio waves emitted from a radio tower. We are fortunate to be living at the same time as this great photographer.


IN TIME - Charlotte Lapalus
The story was shot on Fårö, a Swedish island with a very powerful nature. She says that this island is her starting point and source of inspiration. A woman exists organically in a beautiful landscape surrounded by silence. When I first saw this great work, I thought of "wabi-sabi," a word that describes Japan's unique sense of beauty. It is a way of seeking beauty in the heart that feels the flavor of old age and the beauty of decay. There are so many beautiful moments that exist quietly and strongly.


FÅRÖ - Julia Hetta
The story was shot on Fårö, a Swedish island with a very powerful nature. She says that this island is her starting point and source of inspiration. A woman exists organically in a beautiful landscape surrounded by silence. When I first saw this great work, I thought of "wabi-sabi," a word that describes Japan's unique sense of beauty. It is a way of seeking beauty in the heart that feels the flavor of old age and the beauty of decay. There are so many beautiful moments that exist quietly and strongly.

COBALT HOUR - Eddie Wrey
At first glance, his work is so nostalgic that it could be mistaken for vintage photography, but the intensely beautiful colors of his images are so vividly etched in our minds. The framing, the objects, the backgrounds, everything is original and beautiful. He is currently very active as a fashion photographer, and we asked him to talk about his photography in depth. What does he see and where does he go from here? I felt like I was able to get a glimpse behind the scenes of his finished work.

In recent years, many of her works, which had never seen the light of day before her death, have been shown to the public and made into films, and have received much praise. This story focuses on her self-portraits in particular. I can't help but feel that her wonderful works, which surpass even contemporary artists, have a message that seems to speak for our philosophy.

DAYS - Lina Scheynius
Her intimate images, which highlight the beauty and mystery of everyday life, have won her worldwide acclaim. In this exhibition, I would like to celebrate her achievements with some previously unpublished works. At first glance, these works seem to exist on the borderline between sketchbooks and diaries, and can be perceived as special moments. The impressions are delicate yet strong, and the raw sexuality is always elegant and divine when expressed by her.
